Religion vs Jesus | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

There is a certain amount of apprehensiveness among religious folk when Jesus and religion are separated, making it either/or.  On the outside looking in, one may think they are one in the same or you cannot have one without the other, but upon further investigation, we realize this is far from the truth.

Religion is a man-made set of organized beliefs and systems.  It focuses on following rules with perfection. Whereas, following Jesus focuses on the person and a relationship with Him, blemishes, and all.  Instead of rules, Jesus focuses on the motivation of the heart of the person.

Religion has a tight list that “checks” the proverbial boxes.  However, our relationship with God is about the condition of our heart.  Man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at our heart. (I Samuel 16:7). The focus is not on our actions but rather on our heart. When we became born again, God replaced our spirit with His spirit.  The change comes from the inside out instead of outside in.

There is a story from the Bible, John 5:1-15, that illustrates this wonderfully.  The man at the pool of Bethesda.  The man had been lying there sick for 38 years. Jesus approached the man and asked him, “Do you want to be made well”?  The man replied that he would like to, yet someone else seems to beat him to the stirring water before he is able to make it.  The takeaway, the man had faith to be healed.   Jesus used that faith and with His authority, told the man to stand up and be made well.  The man immediately stood up and took his bed.  He was healed.

The healed man was stopped by some “religious” folks afterwards.  Instead of being pleased about his healing, they were indignant that he was carrying his bed on the Sabbath and breaking a rule.  At this point, the man had a decision to make. Was he going to be religious and follow the rules or was he going to obey the man who spoke with authority, healed him, and set him free from his sickness?  Religion vs. Jesus.

Ultimately, religion will impede the move of God.  Allow Jesus to be the lover of your soul through an intimate relationship with Him.

Rhonda L. Smart, [email protected]

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